Laser Therapy in Dwarka; Laser Therapy in Dwarka is the use of specific wavelengths of light to treat painful and debilitating conditions. Laser Therapy in Dwarka works with your body's natural healing abilities, helping it heal injuries and acute pain. Treatments usually yield results within 1 to 3 treatments, with the average course of treatment being 7 to 10 sessions. It is a painless procedure lasting from 5-10 minutes. Temporary relief of pain, inflammation, and edema are often achieved after the first treatment. It is critical that once you start, you complete the course of treatments recommended by your doctor, or symptoms are likely to reoccur. Recovery of normal body function happens more quickly when inflammation is reduced. While the number of treatments required may vary depending on the condition's acuity, many patients experience lasting relief after only a couple of treatments. Laser therapy in Dwarka has been cleared by the FDA and proven successful with evidence from extensive studies. As with any therapy, the results vary from person to person. Talk with the experts at Axon Physiotherapy today to learn more about our laser treatment options.
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